Muslim women feature personality | Dress fashion love

[Japan Muslim fashion brand] a to Indonesia

Muslim women feature personality | Dress fashion love Say Islam, I think many better to image the Middle East. But surprisingly, Southeast Asian countries Indonesia has a Muslim population of the world. Population about billion 0,000,000 people (the world's first position), of which about equal to or greater than 0 is faith of Islam. Islam in Indonesia has a different again feature the Islam of the Middle East. For example, if say the clothes of Muslim women, I think that floats an image that wearing the veil (Nikabu) covering the scarf (hijab) and whole body other than the eye that covers the black or plain head. However, you can wear the hijab and lovely brooch that contains the pattern and colorful in Indonesia, you have a lot of Muslim women are enjoying as a fashion and and out the personality to devise a winding way. Therefore began to be attracting attention from all over the world, Indonesia is trying to become a state-of-the-art Muslim fashion.

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