Muslim women feature personality | Dress fashion love

Vermeer works are distinctive features of! Secret of fun to know ...

Muslim women feature personality | Dress fashion love Century of dominating genius painter in the Netherlands, Johannes Vermeer. From 0 years in October, there is also that of the domestic largest ever [Vermeer exhibition] will be held, it has been attracting renewed attention. A distinguishing feature in his work of existing points. In Kazu INTOJAPAN, from the genre painting] [window] [people] [Middle East of cloth] one keyword, was bursting the secret of the masterpiece! The feature of Vermeer work? Interior point of existing points [Genre Painting] All ages, patron is essential good to the development of painting. Independent freshly of the Republic, that is, in the Netherlands there are no monarch, was able to order a picture to the painter is neither a church in kings and princes, wealthy citizens. Unlike other countries that exaggerated religious image is desired, a smallish Genre Painting (interior image) and, landscapes adapt to living space has been favored. Sensitive to guess such a bandwagon, modest Vermeer of the room picture left even point.

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