Muslim women feature personality | Dress fashion love

Black long skirt is religious? Muslim girls attended ban

Muslim women feature personality | Dress fashion love In the school of northeastern France, a black long skirt a Muslim to school wearing female student () is prohibited over the degree to attend the lesson as it [dress that showed off the religion of], what is happening is the voice of condemnation . The women students this month, in a school in France northeastern part of Charleville-Mezieres (Charleville-Mezieres), was banned to attend the class from the principal. Women, but the student was wearing a long black skirt that Muslim women that want to hide the line of the body is generally worn, according to reports, that this skirt is considered a [blatantly] religious from the principal. In French law, which strictly respect the secular property, prohibits that faith to a particular religion in the school is the obvious appearance. Mr. Patrice Deyuto of local education authorities (Patrice Dutot) is the day, [female students to AFP of the interview not been eliminated. I was told to come dressed to no clothing on your religious, but his father was explained that as did not return to school].

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